When I look at the BEM and RFA websites, God shows me how He can use each person who has a desire to help His children. We are all different ages and have different gifts & talents, yet each person makes a valuable contribution. There are SO many who have volunteered in Les Cayes, Chantal and Ducis. Any one of us might think “how could I make a difference?” But I think the better realization is that the people and children of Haiti make a difference in me. In spite of the living conditions, most are devout Christians. Even the children set examples for us of unabashed love and enthusiasm and patience.
This was my second trip and it turned out to have extra special meaning for me and my husband, Vin. Pastor Lubin (as always!) spent a lot of his time at Gelee Beach spreading God’s word to passersby. While the rest of us are swimming and frolicking, he is preaching. As he was planning the baptism of recent convert Herve, it came up in conversation that I had been baptized as an infant. When Pastor Lubin asked if I would like to re-dedicate my life to Christ, I said “Yes!” and threw off my shirt, hat and sunglasses – which prompted his wonderful belly laugh.
So there, in the sparkling water of the Caribbean Sea, in the bright sunshine and in front of our team and the children of Chantal and Ducis, Vin and I declared our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and our continued determination to follow Him. Praise be to God!
Emily Celino Col 3:17