Our new home construction continues, with the walls now up and the roof waiting to go on. Our children look at the building in amazement, and can’t believe that someday they will be living in such a spacious and lovely place. Please view the pictures from our most recent trip where we toured the home with our team. We continue to need your support to finish the home. In order to finish the construction project we need another $30k. Over the past year we have raised half of the cost ($30k) and we thank all of you so very much for your help and ongoing support.
The roof will be tin, and painted with reflective paint. Our home is constructed to be earthquake proof, and designed by Appropriate Designs, of Mansfield Center, CT by our good friend Richard Sherman. We hope to replicate this design as we go forward creating more homes for Restavec children to live in a family centered environment and get the chance to become an educated, thriving adult in Haiti.
Also, our latrine, located in front of the canal on the left side of the property, is up and running! We are very excited to have our own latrine that will be used for the RFA children, staff and volunteers.
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