Thursday afternoon, Sonel came bursting out of his home sporting his sweet new shades, baseball cap sideways; and a huge smile. While I thought this was a moment I would never forget, I could have not been prepared for what was to happen next. A small boy from next door stood on the front step next to the very joyful and proud Sonel. This boy stood as quiet as could be watching Sonel dance around in his new gear. When Sonel became aware of his neighborhood friend he immediately removed his hat and placed it on the other boys head. Next came the sunglasses. I continued to watch as Sonel reached into one pocket and pulled out a ball and gave it to the boy. Finally the last pocket held a toy car which was also placed in his neighbor’s hand. After this, the boy was all dolled up in the new gear, and then Sonel began dancing around shouting “photo! photo!”.
Now this was truly a moment I would never forget. This simple gesture perfectly describes the nature of our children. They have nothing and still when they are given gifts they don’t become possessive, boastful or greedy but instead they are excited to share the wealth and joy that they are experiencing with their family and friends.
"To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth" is a very famous saying. I am glad you were able to witness this event!!!! You and your team have made a very big "splash" for these children. You may never know how far the ripples from this splash will go but rest assured they will go a lot farther than you could ever dream!!!! Making the world a better place for just one person makes the world a better place for us all. My love and gratitude goes out to all of you for making such a big difference for so many!!!! Have a safe trip back!
Many thanks for your great words of appreciation!