Manmy Ellen, in behalf of the staff and all our children, we’d like to express our gratitude and appreciation for your sacrifice and to keep up with your commitment to provide for their food, staff salary, teachers salary and nurse, lawyer , coordinator’s and everything else. We’d like especially to thank for doing it fast enough before the election result day to hurriedly get the provision to them before the threats of violence hit the land. Thank God, the results were pleasant to them so now the country is in peace.
My wife and I were there this morning and the kids were at school. some of them were drawing beautiful pictures and were trying to write some letters to give you when you come.They are all very well, thanks. They send their love. Now they were showing us their tennis shoes that are worn out . They need new tennis shoes and sandals. So when you come that would be good to bring them some. I think you have their sizes.
May God bless you and help you prepare your coming, which is so awaited here.
-Pastor Jean